Spotify Playlist Funneler

By Steven Aleong

Take songs from one playlist and put them into another in a random order.

Once you authenticate with Spotify, your playlists will appear below. Select a source playlist and a destination playlist and the number of songs and it'll funnel random songs from your source into your destination. Once it starts though, the destination playlist can't be reversed so please make sure you select the correct playlist.

This tool requires permission from your Spotify account.
Please authenticate yourself through Spotify first.

Information about this tool

Your Spotify authentication information isn't saved anywhere permanently (unless you want it to in a cookie), just in your session, so once your session ends with the site, you'll have to click on the authenticate button again to use the tool.
If you've approved access to this application previously before, it should redirect you back here as you don't need to reapprove this application again.
If it throws an error, it could possibly be caused by too many requests being sent to Spotify.
If you want to revoke access for this tool, go to your Approved Applications in your Spotify profile.
Look for Playlist Tools by Steven Aleong and click on the Revoke Access button beside it.
If you want to reuse the tool after that, you just need to grant this tool permissions again by clicking on the authenticate button above.
For playlists that have been randomized or reversed or funneled, I save the following information:
User name, playlist name, playlist id, and the number of tracks in the playlist.
This data is pulled using the Spotify API Endpoint: Get a User's Profile and Get a List of a User's Playlists.